Corporate Wellness Programs


Mental and physical health conditions cost Australian employers billions of dollars annually, estimated to be around $11 billion per year due to turnover, absenteeism, reduced productivity, and compensation claims.
Be a proactive not a reactive workplace and save money!!

We provide Key note addresses, workshops and challenges where we will inspire, educate and support your employees to have a better work life balance. We use evidence based strategies so your organisation flourishes.

The return on investment (ROI) for workplace wellbeing initiatives can vary, but studies suggest that every $1 invested in these initiatives in Australia can generate between $2.30 up to $4.70 in ROI depending on program, implementation and measurement methods.

In 2015 we approached Daniel Delahunty to explore how we could potentially reduce current attrition rates, stress levels and mental health challenges with our valuable employees. For years as leaders, we struggled to understand how we could provide the necessary tools and support to help improve our employees personal and professional lives which would help increase work productivity.

Dan’s insight and guidance identified physical health and the positive impacts it would have on emotional and mental workplace behavior. He took the time to educate us on the importance of a “corporate health program” and how the right tools and ongoing support/environment would help make the changes needed to reduce traditional operational cost. Dan’s focus on health, family and work had a paradigm shift in not only improving our team’s performance but there was a noticeable difference in the company culture and our staffs work life balance.

We invested into a tailored corporate health program – supported by Dan and his team over an initial 12-month period. Employees take up of the program was over 90%, staff feedback was positive, and our ROI was significant in both hard and soft cost.

Our relationship with Dan and his team extended well beyond the initial 12-month trail, we would recommend Dan and his team to any organization looking to invest into a Corporate Health Progam.

Kind Regards

