
Daniel delahunty

I started training myself in 1987 and fell in love with what resistance training could do for the mind and body.

My Story

I have participated in bodybuilding competitions in the past as an amateur and have won the following titles.

• 1995 IFBB Brisbane Junior Champion
• 2002 IFBB U/90KG Champion

Using this experience I have been able to use it to coach many bodybuilding, figure and bikini competitors, many who have won state and national titles. Check out my Comp prepping @hardazbodz

I have also been able to help others achieve various different goals from females with Anorexia wanting to put on weight, female clients wanting to lose body fat and tone up, to males wanting to increase strength and lean muscle mass.

I am very passionate about helping people achieving their goals in the gym. To be able to do something you love and change people’s lives for the better is a fantastic opportunity and drives me to offer the highest level of guidance and service.

Get Connected

Email: pt@danieldelahunty.com  |   Phone: 0402 451 924   |   Address: Gold Coast, QLD 4215

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